CIS Evolves to Meet Needs

The American Cancer Society’s Cancer National Cancer Information Center (NCIC) is a cancer helpline available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to assist the public, patients, and caregivers. During its 20 plus year history, this helpline has changed as cancer patients needs became more complicated and the mission grew to meet those evolving needs.

Delivering accurate cancer information was always a significant core focus at NCIC. Because of the shifting needs of our constituents, as reported previously in this forum, 2016 saw NCIC embark on the development of a new operating structure (Transition). Staff were dedicated solely to handle cancer information, resource & patient services, donation processing and assisting volunteers.   

Even though other cancer needs such as lodging and transportation services were being expanded by the Society, NCIC still strived to support cancer information delivery by maintaining CIS staff and a support team comprised of certified oncology nurses. Prior to our Transition, the oncology nurse team’s role was expanded to provide the necessary support to enhance CIS education. Their role evolved to mainly field more complex 2nd level questions that CIS could not answer as well as serve as the primary trainers for cancer modules during new hire training classes.

The 2016 operating structure change identified CIS staff whose primary role would be cancer information delivery. This transition necessitated refreshing not only how we trained new CIS staff but also provided new opportunities for the oncology nurse team to establish a formal nurse/CIS mentorship program. The new mentorship program allowed us to leverage existing oncology nursing staff to tailor educational support for our CIS staff. This change has enhanced CIS cancer knowledge and communication skills which resulted in more engaged and detailed cancer conversations as evidenced by significant improvements in internal quality scores. At the end of 2016 two key quality scores, cancer call agenda (how well we identified the cancer information need) and information delivery (delivering tailored cancer information) improved from 63% to 71% and 67% to 70% respectively.  In 2019 YTD these scores are 89% and 85%, noteworthy improvements.    

Today at NCIC the oncology nurse team still provides our callers with tailored information that empowers patients and caregivers to better manage the impact of a cancer diagnosis. But they have also empowered our CIS to do the same.  They serve as mentors and teachers to our CIS.  Their time is evenly split between new hire training classes, mentoring, providing CEU’s to non-cancer call taking staff as well as fielding 2nd level support questions. They also contribute to curriculum development of our cancer modules.

The questions that our CIS staff field today continue to be as varied, complex and wide ranging as the disease itself.  Oncology has seen many new advances since the inception of our helpline. Our helpline has evolved with the changes and our CIS are more prepared and confident in their knowledge and communication skills meeting the needs of our constituents in partnership with our team of certified oncology nurses.   

For questions about NCIC, please contact Agnes Beasley, Director Cancer Information Delivery.