Easy-to-read information by the German CIS

The German Cancer Information Service (CIS) has launched a new series of information material in “Simple Language”. With these brochures, developed in a collaborative project jointly with the Heidelberg University of Education, CIS has the ultimate goal to make cancer information easily accessible for everybody – also for people with dyslexia or learning disabilities.

According to the latest user satisfaction surveys, more than 50 percent of cancer patients and more than 60 percent of relatives using the offers of the German Cancer Information service (CIS), have a higher educational background (college or university degree). Thus, the CIS committed itself to encourage a broader range of German citizens to make use of cancer information provided.

Information material in easy-to-understand language was identified as one important way to reach this goal. In 2016, the service started a project in collaboration with the Heidelberg University of Education to develop a series of corresponding cancer information materials. Last year, the first booklet in “Simple German” named Lungen•krebs – was nun?” (“Lung cancer – what now?“) has been published. The booklet consists of texts according to specific standards for easy-to-understand language combined with meaningful illustrations. It is available for download on the CIS’ website: https://www.krebsinformationsdienst.de/wegweiser/iblatt/lungenkrebs-leichte-sprache.pdf?m=1526316946&.

“Simple Language” (“leichte Sprache”) is defined by a set of regulations concerning vocabulary, syntax and layout. Target groups for products in “Simple Language” are people with a variety of difficulties understanding complex information e.g. with learning difficulties, difficulties in reading or very little knowledge of the German language. Feedback about the comprehensibility of the lung cancer booklet was collected during the production process from people with learning challanges.

The pilot Lungen•krebs – was nun?“ is the start of a new series of predigested cancer information material. The next brochure is already in process. Dr. Susanne Weg-Remers, head of the German CIS, is sure “It’s very important that we share information about cancer with everyone in need – no matter of linguistic competence, level of education or socioeconomic background.“

Please feel free to contact Alexandra Hennemann, a.hennemann@dkfz.de, for further information.