Telephone Service Satisfaction Survey

This is the email questionnaire that the Cancer Information Nurse Team at
Cancer Research UK sends to clients who have recently contacted the CIS.  an example of an email questionnaire that can be sent to clients who emailed the CIS for assistance. This questionnaire can be used to gauge the effectiveness and quality of your email-related CIS services as part of the program evaluation process.

 Information Nurses Annual Telephone

Service Satisfaction Survey


Thank you for agreeing to take part in this survey; it should take no more than 10 minutes to complete.  We will use the results to help us improve our service and get a better understanding of what people want from us.  An anonymous summary of the results may be used in a published research paper.

When you have completed the survey, please return it in the enclosed stamped addressed envelope.  We would be grateful if you could return it within 3 weeks of receiving it.

Tell us about your call to the information nurses

1) When you contacted us was it mainly because: (Please tick only one box)

You have cancer or have had it in the past and had questionsabout your own situation
You had questions about a relative or friend who has cancer or hadit in the past
You were worried that symptoms you had might be a sign of cancer
You were worried that someone you know might have cancer
You are a health professional looking for information for your patientsor your own professional use
You are a student or journalist
Other ______________________________

2) Currently there are a number of different ways people can get information about cancer.  Why did you choose to contact Cancer Research UK? (You may tick more than one box)

I wanted unbiased information from someone not involved in my case   ▢

I believed Cancer Research UK would have the expertise to answer my question ▢

I couldn’t find the answer to my question anywhere else ▢

I did not know where else to go to for information ▢

Cancer Research UK’s phone number was the first one I came across      ▢

Other:   ____________________________________        ▢

3) Why did you choose to contact us by phone rather than email? (You may tick more than one box) 

I prefer to talk to someone ▢

I thought my question could be explained more clearly through a conversation ▢

I wanted an immediate response ▢

I do not have access to email   ▢

Other:    _________________    ▢

4) How did you expect calling us would be helpful to you? (you may tick more than one box)

I had a specific question that I wanted you to answer
I wanted to get a better/clearer understanding of my/the situation
I (or a relative or friend) had a decision to make and thought calling you wouldhelp me/us make it
I needed information that I already had to be explained to me more clearly
I thought calling you might put my mind at rest or help me feel less anxious
I didn’t know

a) Did you take any action as a result of your call?

Yes  ▢

No   ▢

b)  If yes, what action did you take?


Tell us about your experience of telephoning us

5)  How many times did you have to dial before your call was answered? 

I got through the first time     ▢

2-4 attempts                          ▢   

5-8 attempts                          ▢

More than 8 attempts             ▢

6) When you contacted us how well did we meet your expectations? 

Exceeded my expectations                      ▢

Met my expectations                               ▢

Did not meet my expectations                 ▢

I wasn’t sure what to expect                   ▢

7) Since contacting us, do you now feel that you have a better understanding of your situation?



If no, please explain why not:


8)  The helpline is staffed by trained information nurses. Thinking about your call and the nurse you spoke to, please answer the following questions on a scale of 1- 5 where 1 is poor and 5 is excellent.

a) How would you rate the nurse’s communication skills, where 1 is poor and 5 is excellent?

Poor       excellent
1 2 3 4 5

 b) Was the answer they gave you easy to understand? Please answer on a scale of 1 – 5, where 1 is difficult and 5 is very easy

Difficult       Very easy
1 2 3 4 5

9)  Overall how satisfied were you with the service you received? Please say on a scale of 1- 5, where 1 is not satisfied and 5 is very satisfied.  

Not satisfied       Very satisfied
1 2 3 4 5

10)  Overall was your contact with the information nurses worthwhile?

Yes ▢

No ▢

If yes can you tell us why? 


If no can you tell us why not?


11) If you have contacted any other information services, how does our service compare? 

Better          ▢

Same           ▢

Not as good  ▢

 What was the other service that you contacted? ____________________________ 

12)  If in the future you need some more information, would you call the Cancer Research UK information nurses again?

Yes ▢

No ▢

13)  Would you recommend our service to anyone else?

Yes ▢

No ▢

14) Do you have any other comments or improvements you would like to suggest?



Our other services

15)  Along with the telephone line that you rang, Cancer Research UK has a number of other patient information services.  Please tick the boxes below if you have used any of Cancer Research UK’s other patient information services listed.

Service Used once Used more than once Not used
Emailed the nurses a question      
CancerHelp UK website      
Looked at Cancer Chat forum      
Posted on Cancer Chat forum      


Tell us about yourself

It is really useful for us to build up a picture of who uses our services.  If we notice that some groups are not using us, this helps us to decide if we need to promote or advertise the services differently.  So it would be helpful to us if you would answer the following questions about yourself.  It won’t be possible for us to identify you personally from this information, and it will not be passed on to anyone else.  

16)  Are you:    

Female ▢

Male   ▢

17)  How old are you?

13 or under ▢

14-19 ▢

20-29 ▢

30-39 ▢

40-49 ▢

50-59    ▢

60-69    ▢

70 or over    ▢

18)  What is your ethnic group? We use this information to gauge whether we are reaching all ethnic groups in the UK.  (The following categories were adapted from the National Census)

White British Asian Bangladeshi
White Irish Chinese
White other Any other Asian background
Mixed race White and Black Caribbean Black Caribbean
Mixed race White and Black African Black African
Mixed race White and Asian Any other Black background
Any other mixed race background Arab
Asian Indian Gypsy/Romany/Irish traveler
Asian Pakistani Any other background

19) What is your post code? (We use this information to help us evaluate if we are reaching people in all parts of the country and the community)

 My post code is ________

Thank you very much for taking the time to complete this questionnaire.

The Cancer Information Nurse Team


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