Supporting People with Cancer Through Food!

Norway’s Vardesenter programme supports people with cancer by bringing them together through cooking!

A cairn is a man-made pile of stones raised to serve a purpose, usually as a marker — to show the way. A Norwegian “Vardesenter” (a “Cairn Centre”) is a meeting place and retreat for cancer patients and their families. The Norwegian Cancer Society has seven centres in Norway, in six different cities. Here, you can take a break with a cup of coffee and a newspaper, and speak to people with similar issues, such as someone who has (had) cancer themselves or a relative of someone diagnosed with cancer. You can also attend courses and activities of your choosing, selecting those that interest you from a range of rich and varied options. Some centres also have a clinical nutritionist. The nutritionist arranges classes about diets and nutrition during and after cancer treatment. To cook and eat together is a central part of this programme. During the Corona pandemic, arranging for these classes in person was not possible, and neither was cooking. However, a digital alternative was arranged for, and cooking videos were made. This autumn, digital courses are included in the ordinary programme to be able to reach more patients. Videos inspired by the Pakistani and the Somali kitchen will be added this year. To see the videos (Norwegian only, so far), follow this link:
