Cancer Council Victoria Webinars
Webinars Provided by Cancer Council Victoria in 2015
Cancer Council Victoria
Webinars (online seminars) allow for live presentations by experts that can be accessed online, from people’s homes. Webinars are a cost-effective and sustainable method of providing information and support, on a variety of topics, to both people affected by cancer and health professionals. They are also an opportunity for health services to engage with new audiences, and can increase access to information and support by alleviating barriers such as geographical location.
In 2015, Cancer Council Victoria designed and delivered six webinars. Each webinar included a series of presentations from experts, a panel discussion, and an interactive question and answer session during which the panel of experts answered questions from participants.
A description of each webinar, and links to the recordings, are provided below.
Nutrition & exercise after cancer
Date: 28th July 2015
Target Audience: People who have completed treatment for cancer, and their family and friends
The benefits of exercise and eating well are widely known. For cancer survivors, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can also reduce the chance of cancer coming back.
This webinar provides information about the ongoing affects cancer can have on someone’s dietary preferences and physical activity. It includes resources, practical strategies and techniques to assist people in managing the transition to life after treatment, and maintaining healthy habits.
Link to the webinar recording:
Exercise & eating well: managing changes during cancer treatment
Date: 8th September 2015
Target audience: People undergoing cancer treatment, and their family and friends
Eating well and exercising can help cancer patients get the most out of their treatment, alleviate anxiety and assist in recovery.
This webinar focuses on the impact undergoing cancer treatment can have on nutrition, physical activity and emotional health. The content includes common changes experienced during cancer treatment, the impacts of those changes on day-to-day life, and practical suggestions on how to manage them.
Link to the webinar recording:
Keeping your sense of tumour: cognitive effects of brain cancers
Date: 27th October 2015
Target audience: people affected by brain cancer
In addition to the physical and emotional health demands of the cancer experience, people with a brain cancer diagnosis can experience many cognitive changes.
This webinar provides an overview of cognitive changes that may occur in someone with a brain tumour, and practical strategies for managing them. It explores issues such as fatigue, sensory overload, changes to cognitive processing, word finding and loss of speech, and provides information on how to access reliable information, helpful programs and resources.
Link to the webinar recording:
Contemplating & communicating future health care wishes
Date: 20th April 2015
Target audience: People affected by cancer
Advance care planning supports better decision-making at end of life for patients, their carers and health professionals.
This webinar presents information about the importance of advance care planning, the ways the law in Australia facilitates advance care planning, as well as how to appoint an agent and record wishes to inform future health care and treatment.
Link to the webinar recording:
Advance care planning for health professionals
Date: 29th July 2015
Target audience: Health professionals
Advance care planning supports better decision-making at end of life for patients, their carers and health professionals. Initiating conversations about this topic can be challenging, and there are several key legal concepts that are important to be across.
This webinar supports health professionals to better understand the implications of advance care planning for their practice. It provides practical strategies to start the discussion about advance care planning with patients, and information about the law relating to advance care planning in Victoria, Australia, such as the rights and responsibilities of substitute decision-makers, and the legal status of advance care directives.
Link to the webinar recording:
Alternative therapies in cancer care: regulation and risk
Date: 6th October 2015
Target audience: Health professionals
Many health professionals express concerns about alternative therapies offered to their patients by unregistered health practitioners.
This webinar provides information about what actions health professionals can take if they are concerned about alternative therapies offered to their patients. Topics include discussing alternative therapies with patients, and how unregistered health practitioners are regulated, with a focus on appropriate to make a complaint about unethical or unsafe alternative therapy providers.
Link to the webinar recording:
For further information
Cancer Council Victoria are building a webinar toolkit to support other CIS services to plan for and conduct webinars. This will be made available soon via the ICISG toolbox accessible here
Contact if you have questions about conducting webinars.